
Self Actualization Counselling


Groundwork authenticity counselling will introduce you to some useful concepts that you can incorporate into your journey of becoming more real in your life. Some of them are briefly explained here. To fully understand them you should book a few Groundwork sessions.

Expectation Tickets

These are coupons we usually hand to our life partners, or to our children. Each expectation ticket has two toxic properties:
1. It instantly creates anxiety in the recipient, because now they have to live up to your expectation.
2. It creates a loss of power in the giver, because now the recipient has control over the giver’s happiness.

Freedom Coupons

These are the opposite of Expectation Tickets. They say go ahead and be yourself.

Surfing Space and Time

This is the ability to move ahead without worrying about the future, knowing you can ride out whatever comes because you have a surfboard. Your surfboard is the sum of your experience, intelligence, wit, perception and authenticity. It improves with time.

The Meat Train

This is the train we all ride. It’s all the unconscious needs, fears, reflexes and assumptions the body has collected since childhood, and holds to this day, and uses before you can even think.

To learn more, visit Groundwork in person.